Millions of Colors

Millions of Colors

Millions of colors--nothing beats autumn in Central Park.

In my humble opinion, there is no better place to be in fall than Central Park. The colors and contrasts are simply sublime. This is partly due to the fact that these trees were not haphazardly planted, but planted with purpose.

Rows of elms provide a striking scene because of their sameness, but the variety of species not only diversify the look, but the colors, and that is what we have in this first photo, above. The medley of colors is deeply satisfying for me.

You may have guessed that fall is my favorite time of year.


Nothing like playing in the leaves.

Ready to Drop

This maple is ready to drop its leaves.

Elderly Elms

One of the last large groves of American elm trees is in Central Park.

Kissing at Playmates Arch

A kissing couple at Playmates Arch in Central park.

Red Cap

A red maple with fall pattern baldness.

Bust with autumn leaves

A bust in Central Park with the vivid autumn leaves.

Life Imitates Art

Life imitates art on a NYC Parks manhole cover.

Pumpkin Pose

On the bridge over The Pond in Central Park.

Fall portrait

Mel's fall portrait.