
I recently purchased a 105-mm macro lens and I thought what better place to take it for a spin, as it were, than in a butterfly vivarium.

Blue Morpho's Eyes

A Blue Morpho butterfly's eyes.

Butterfly Wing

Close-up of a Blue Morpho butterfly wing.

The close up of the wing, above, is one of my best photos in some time. I really like the detail in this photo, and the darn thing was still long enough to capture it without a tripod.

Blue Morpho Butterfly

Blue Morpho Butterfly.

Butterfly Eye

Butterfly eye close-up.

Given I’m new to the macro thing, none of these are focus stacked. So, there’s a region of focus and the rest is… not.

Monarch Cocoons

These cocoons reveal how Monarch butterflies got their name.

Zebra Longwing

A Zebra Longwing butterfly feeding..

Monarch on Pine

A Monarch butterfly on a Norfork Island pine.

Butterfly Head

A butterfly's head.

Zebra Longwing

A Zebra Longwing butterfly.

Powdery Wing

Powdery butterfly wing.