WTC Transit
The Calatrava-designed transit station, called the Oculus, sits beside the North Tower Pool. This acre-sized pool delineates where the North Tower of the World Trade Center used to stand.
I wanted to capture a placid quality in the water, so I put on the neutral density filter and took a 6-second exposure. This makes the water glassy in the pool, but causes the waterfalls into the pool to vanish. Still, I like the effect of the filter on this photo.
Inside the Oculus
Once again, I return to these funky halls to see if I can find some photography magic.
Outside the Oculus
I am far more vexed when shooting the outside of this beautiful building. I never seem to find the composition that really speaks to me.

Outside the Oculus at the WTC.

Looking out the side window of the Oculus.

Through the wing of the Oculus.

Needs some help up the stairs at the WTC.
Two of these are, strictly speaking, taken inside the building, but the subject is not limited to the Oculus, so I include them here. One is the boy being helped up the stairs, and the other is the arcing ribs against the sky taken though the window.
Fulton Station
The Sky Reflector-Net funnels natural light down into the space over four stories deep. The geometric aspects and the perspectives on this skylight is a great civic art installation and transforms the space beyond the usual dreary subway station.