Storm King Art Center
The Wavefield

Storm King Wavefield by Maya Lin is a large-scale sculptural piece built upon the gravel pit used to build the nearby New York State Thruway.

A close up shot from above of the Storm King Wavefield by Maya Lin.
I converted these to grayscale because I was able to obtain better contrast. The tips of the wave were greener, so I was able to darken the wave ridges by reducing the greens, while brightening the rest of the grass, which were brighter in the yellows.
Meandering Stone Wall

The meandering Storm King Wall by Andy Goldsworthy.

Storm King Wall by Andy Goldsworthy, which snakes through the forest, plunges into the pond, and re-emerges on the opposite side.
I love this meandering stone wall, but it was extremely challenging to photograph. The shot from across the pond was easy, but to capture it within the woods such that it’s close enough to be prominent but still discern the undulating wall was tricky.
Cold Spring Building
A beautiful, ivy-covered building in Cold Spring, New York. Although this is not one of those 5-star photos I’ll frame, I wanted to improve it by freeing the building if it’s foreground wires, of which there were many.